Informative Interactive Maps (non linear activity)

Character Areas

The Character Area Assessment divides the built up areas of the town into six character areas. These are defined by both residential or non-residential use and time period.

The map shows each of the character areas within the town boundary. Select each character area to find out more information.

The map contains hand drawn layers and data layers imported from open geospatial data. The background map used is Open Street Map Bright Grey.

Interactive Map

Map of the town showing Character Areas and their characteristics, as follows:

Conservation Area:

Age of buildings: Wide variety of ages, from 16th century to 2010s

Type of buildings: Terraced and detached

Main uses: Shops, restaurants and offices

Building heights: 2 and 3 storeys

Prominent building materials: Red brick, render, tile hanging, weatherboard, half timber

Open space / vegetation: Some mature trees, grassed river frontage with planting

Victorian/Edwardian housing

Age of buildings: Mid-late 19th century (Victorian) to Edwardian, with a small amount of 20th century infill

Type of buildings: Mostly terraced, some detached and semi-detached

Main uses: Residential

Building heights: 2 and 3 storeys

Prominent building materials: Brick (red and multi stock), tile hanging

Open space / vegetation: Mature trees which line the street on alternating sides on Grove Road with some hedges

Inter-war housing

Age of buildings: 1920 and 1930s (with some post-war infill)

Type of buildings: Mostly semi-detached with some terraces

Main uses: Residential

Building heights: 1 and 2 storeys

Prominent building materials: Red brick, white render, brick and tile hanging and clay roof tiles

Open space / vegetation: Grassed areas in front of houses is now used for car parking which impacts adversely on the character of the area

Post-war housing

Age of buildings: 1950's - 1960's

Type of buildings: Detached, semi-detached

Main uses: Residential

Building heights: 2 storeys

Prominent building materials: Brick, tile hanging

Open space / vegetation: Mature trees and hedges

Modern housing

Age of buildings: 1980's - 2000's

Type of buildings: Detached, semi-detached, terraces

Main uses: Residential

Building heights: 2 storeys

Prominent building materials: Red brick, black timber framing with white render panel weatherboarding

Open space / vegetation: Mature trees and hedges, and adjacent park and Recreation Ground


Age of buildings: Some later 19th century but predominantly 1960s to present day

Type of buildings: Mostly large individual units, some one or two storey residential

Main uses: Light Industry, community facilities.

Building heights: 1, 2 and 3 storeys

Prominent building materials: Brick (red and multi stock), profiled metal sheeting cladding

Open space / vegetation: Some mature trees, grass verges

The map also shows the location of listed buildings and public footpaths.

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